タグ別アーカイブ: Myofascial pain syndrome

痛みと共に(日記)/I am stronger than who I was


Hi, guys! What’s up?? This winter is colder than last year, right? At least, in my area, it has been extremely cold.
As you know, a patient who has chronic pain syndrome( such as fibromyalgia , joint pain, myofascial pain syndrome) could often being affected by climate. Especially , cold and/or wet weather is considered to be harmful for them. Hence, during winter period, I have to be very careful not to be exposed to cold , wild wind too long. And should be careful to wear adequate clothes, a scarf to avoid to being getting worse. I assume I have tried to pay enough attention to protect myself from being getting worse, but I was too busy to do that. Finally, now, I became sick, and impossible to get out of bed. I cannot even sit for a half hour due to extreme headache and neck pain, which is persistent and, caused by active trigger point, which is taut band during the muscle, producing intense hurtings.
Any of you, who have experienced chronic, deep ache ,might be familiar with tha fact that it– chronic severe discomfort can destroy all of your life , including career, relationships with relatives or close friends, and finally, your soul. I guess our souls are basically, full of joys, hopes for future, happiness with relationships with others, and comfort for loving someone, loved by someone. When bad things come, suddenly, you lose everything. Everything you wanted, you wanted to be, is gone and never come back. When you realized it, you might be depressed, feel like completely lonely, and lose hopes. When I was diagnosed to be myofascial pain syndrome, which is muscle related chronic pain disease similar to fibromyalgia , I was depressed, angry and full of anxiety for life. No one knows exact cause of it, no treatment ,which can completely cure it , available. No one could tell me when I was going to be able to get back to ” a normal life”.
Time by time, my depression was getting worse, even as I was getting suicidal thought. In this point, everyday is fight against ahes, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I did not have positive feelings, nor optimistic aspect. Then , one day, it turned out. Through some mind process, I have finally decided to accept all of my life, including my, sensitive, often-go-to-hospital, weak body. Before that, I have sometimes blamed my mum has given me such sensitive body. Now I realized that this, painful life is my destiny. Of corse I have been getting appropriate treatment to minimize discomfort around neck and head. But I do not know if i was getting better. But now, I am mostly positive and everyday, I’m seeking something good things but negative one.

I am stronger than I was used to be:)