タグ別アーカイブ: depression

鬱状態には社会的差別と関わりがある?/Being woman is very difficult


Depression can be caused by prejudice. This can occur when people hold negative self-stereotypes about themselves. This “deprejudice” can be related to a group membership (e.g., Me-Gay-Bad) or not (Me-Bad). If someone has prejudicial beliefs about a stigmatized group and then becomes a member of that group, they may internalize their prejudice and develop depression. For example, a boy growing up in the United States may learn the negative stereotype that gay men are immoral. When he grows up and realizes he is gay, he may direct this prejudice inward on himself and become depressed. People may also show prejudice internalization through self-stereotyping because of negative childhood experiences such as verbal and physical abuse.[61]

Major depressive disorder , Wikipedia

ここでは、差別の被害者は、属するグループ(例えばゲイなど) への偏見やステレオタイプ(ex:ゲイは普通じゃない、など) を内面化させてしまい、鬱状態や気分障害になってしまうとのこと。自分の場合で考えてみると、私が属する社会で迫害される要素としては、女であること、及び、レズビアンであることかな。いまだ旧態依然とした性犯罪の定義と訴訟の困難さ、女性だけに課せられた意味のない離婚後結婚禁止期間法、取り締まられないセクシュアルハラスメント、同性パートナー法および結婚法の欠如による税金の余分な支払い、住まいを見つける困難さ、パートナーの遺産を受け取れない、パートナーが危篤でも家族として面会できないこと、などなどなど。これに加えて日常的な言葉やその他による、性差別に晒されていたら、そりゃあ鬱にもなりますわな、と納得して安心した。以前ブログでも、男性より女性の方が鬱病にかかるリスクが二倍高いという記事を書いたりしていたけれども、やはり繋がりはあるんだなあと思った。他にも、日本に限り、女性の自殺率が男性のそれより高いとか、もう抑圧されたもろもろの性差別を痛感するね。きっと言えないで辛い人一杯いるんだろうね。誰も受け止めてくれないから言わないだけで。私も、男性が上座、女性が下座で、男性は皿一枚洗わなくていいという、バリバリの保守の性差別の、親の実家とか嫌だもん。自分が食べる物くらい自分で作れよとか思う。その上セクハラモラハラ雨あられだから、魂が擦り切れちゃうんだよねえ。ここまで男女をステレオタイプ化して、女性性を嫌悪できるのもすごいと思うけどね。でも、落ち着いてたらこういう風に自尊心を回復できるけど、渦中にいるときは本当に傷つくし、女であることは恥ずかしいことだ、劣位にあることだ、と身を刻むように刷り込まれて本当に命がけでやるしかない。私は女であることが劣っていることだとは思わないし、恥ずかしくもないし、女に生まれてよかった。そういうふうにいつも思ってなきゃいけない。そうじゃなければ自分は潰れてしまうだろう。



I was so depressed today by certain event. So I decided to google for some help, then found nice one. Here is a quote from an article of ” Major depressive disorder ” from Wikipedia .

Depression can be caused by prejudice. This can occur when people hold negative self-stereotypes about themselves. This “deprejudice” can be related to a group membership (e.g., Me-Gay-Bad) or not (Me-Bad). If someone has prejudicial beliefs about a stigmatized group and then becomes a member of that group, they may internalize their prejudice and develop depression. For example, a boy growing up in the United States may learn the negative stereotype that gay men are immoral. When he grows up and realizes he is gay, he may direct this prejudice inward on himself and become depressed. People may also show prejudice internalization through self-stereotyping because of negative childhood experiences such as verbal and physical abuse.[61]

Major depressive disorder , Wikipedia

This article says that someone who is in paticular group, which have been discriminated by society, and has prejudicial beliefs, are likely to internalize their prejudice, causing depression. For example, a child who lives in United States might have negative thoughts toward gay, then he found that he is gay, he is likely to think that he is not “normal”, which causes depression. In my case, I assume I might have been discriminated for being a woman, or being a lesbian. This is obvious , because we, Japanese have a lot of gender-biased laws. First of all, female are not allowed to marry someone a few monthes after divorce. A purpose of this law is to determine baby’s father when she is pregnant. However, even though she is not pregnant, it is applied. So, all women in Japan cannot marry someone a few monthes after her separation despite it is not applied to men. You know, this is so ridiculous. We do not need such a stupid law. We have DNA testing to find out baby’s father even more accurately.

We also have really gender-biased law of a kind of sex crime, such as rape, sexual assault. For example, a victim of rape must show very strong evidence to show her fight to attacker. Strong evidence is explicitely physical injury, such as bruises. If she did not get hurted, then she will be deemed as she consented with the perpetrator. However, a victim often cannot fight back an attacker because of fearness.

Also, I have been suffering sexual harassment in any place, any time. Even when I am at a station, I am attacked verbally or physically. Japanese women are obviously exposed severe prejudice.

Also, we do not have any laws like civil-union or partnership-law thus, most of Japanese who is sexually minority, such as, LGBTQ people, are strugling to find their home, and they pay taxes more than heterosexual couples, and they also do not have right to meet their partner when she or he is unconscious due to a car accident or disease. Furthermore, someone cannot have his partner’s inheritance if he or she is gay. For these reasons, I am too depressed to bear. I know things are going to change, and nothing persists forever, but sometimes I do not feel well. I do not have appetite, or I have too much favor to eat, I do not think things are going to be better , or I feel I do not have enough power to move.

I have written an article that related to this topic. That was the one that is titled ” Phychiatric disease and women” which is unfortunately written in Japanese only now. In this article, I used another article which is, “Where in the world are people most depressed?”( theguardian) to strengthen my statement. According to some research, women are more likely to suffer from depression as twice as those of men. So I thought, why so many women are suffering mental illness is due to excessive stress. For example, in my case, I feel uncomfortable when I am getting to gain weight due to judgemental comments from people around me. They might not say directly, but indirect disapproval states, such as ” Are you going to work out?” or ” You have had just a little weight gain?” have me distressed. Most of women who is around me always say ” I must reduce weight. I should diet immediately.” or ” I am fat” dispite of the fact that they are NOT fat. Or, most of “beauties” which labeled by media are extremely skinny as though they do not have any organs. These thihgs make me unhappy. I got a thought that ” I should lose weight”, which is unhealthy tendency if you are healthy weight. I have known a woman who is unbelievably skinny for 15 years. I have been assumed that she suffers a kind of eating disorder, though she thinks that she is “healthy” and she have never been to ask helps for professional. She’s never been to a phychiatrist. Eventually, recently, she has struggled with severe chest pain, which is, I guess, due to some kind of disease related to heart, though she ignores calls from many friends to visit medical professional to check it out . According to researchers, some kind of eating disorder, such as anorexia, can lead heart failure or other heart related disease to one who suffers from it. For these reasons, I do not think that beauty is everything. Especially, beautiness for being slim is not going to make you happier of healthier. You are not able to be determined if you are “beautifull” by measuring your weight, and you are abusolutely beautiful for being who you are, who you want to be.

Another example of a proof of “women have stressful lives” is, in my case, being forced to follow gender roles which are given by our society, and not allowed being myself.

We have new year party every year which called “oshogatsu”, which celebrates beginning of year. In Japan, it is typically held on December January 1st to 3rd. During “oshogatsu”, all relatives gather, then problems happen to women. Traditionally, we have enomous, various, delicious dishes, though all of them are made by women in my family. Men do not wash just one plate, despite women relatives, my grandmother, aunts, female cousins and I are too busy for making dinner to eat. Furthermore, men relatives sit near the head of the table, while women sit at the far end of the table. Women are often asked to bring up something, such as alcohol or dishes. This kind of fact is not gender-neutral, and even more disturbing my feelings every year. I do not think this kind of things are okey, however, I have to follow instructions of male when I go to relative’s meetings. Therefore, I feel so distressed when forced to follow gender biased roles and I am depressed to be taught that you are less smart than men because of your sex due to such a traditional stupid things. I hate sex prejudice.